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pyrazine dimer (1.0)

MP2/CBS extrapolation: aug-cc-pVTZ to aug-cc-pVQZ, CCSD(T) correction in modified (see orig. paper) cc-pVTZ basis set

From Dataset: S22x5: S22 in nonequilibrium geometries

Dataset reference: L. Gráfová, M. Pitoňák, J. Řezáč, P. Hobza; J. Chem. Thory Comput. 2010, ASAP article

Optimization level: MP2/cc-pVTZ

Tags: Complex, S22x5, S22, S26, dispersion bonded, stack



C   -1.247189000  -1.171821000  -0.696139000
C   -1.247189000  -1.171821000   0.696139000
N   -0.258951000  -1.723577000   1.414480000
C    0.731533000  -2.265222000   0.696729000
C    0.731533000  -2.265222000  -0.696729000
N   -0.258951000  -1.723577000  -1.414480000
H   -2.063436000  -0.722320000  -1.247280000
H   -2.063436000  -0.722320000   1.247280000
H    1.548800000  -2.712828000   1.247560000
H    1.548800000  -2.712828000  -1.247560000
C   -0.338003000   2.080061000   1.130045000
C    0.854025000   1.359347000   1.130631000
N    1.470179000   0.990760000   0.000000000
C    0.854025000   1.359347000  -1.130631000
C   -0.338003000   2.080061000  -1.130045000
N   -0.952306000   2.452884000   0.000000000
H   -0.810376000   2.364303000   2.061864000
H    1.320858000   1.067061000   2.062399000
H    1.320858000   1.067061000  -2.062399000
H   -0.810376000   2.364303000  -2.061864000

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method counterpoise corrected remark value
CCSD(T)/CBS yes -4.51