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uracil dimer (stack) (0.9)

MP2/CBS extrapolation: cc-pVTZ to cc-pVQZ, CCSD(T) correction in modified (see orig. paper) cc-pVTZ basis set

From Dataset: S22x5: S22 in nonequilibrium geometries

Dataset reference: L. Gráfová, M. Pitoňák, J. Řezáč, P. Hobza; J. Chem. Thory Comput. 2010, ASAP article

Optimization level: MP2/cc-pVTZ (shifted along axis of monomer centers of mass to 0.9 original intermolecular distance)

Tags: Complex, S22x5, dispersion bonded, shifted, shorter, stack



N -0.277905006 1.293679543 0.176141970
C -0.313143400 0.778657200 -1.090194030
H -0.556628453 1.482976305 -1.871437030
C -0.054429325 -0.522034140 -1.338280030
H -0.083339176 -0.920071815 -2.337796030
C 0.315741834 -1.403319766 -0.246380030
O 0.657066634 -2.571655559 -0.351837030
N 0.272892517 -0.783286382 1.008844970
H 0.575575188 -1.342483138 1.797579970
C 0.057676398 0.551482081 1.292935970
O 0.162197796 1.034239706 2.404014970
H -0.355882042 2.285950208 0.331021970
N 3.306699593 -1.293679543 0.176141970
C 3.341937987 -0.778657200 -1.090194030
H 3.585423040 -1.482976305 -1.871437030
C 3.083223911 0.522034140 -1.338280030
H 3.112133763 0.920071815 -2.337796030
C 2.713052753 1.403319766 -0.246380030
O 2.371727953 2.571655559 -0.351837030
N 2.755902070 0.783286382 1.008844970
H 2.453219399 1.342483138 1.797579970
C 2.971118189 -0.551482081 1.292935970
O 2.866596791 -1.034239706 2.404014970
H 3.384676629 -2.285950208 0.331021970

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method counterpoise corrected remark value
CCSD(T)/CBS yes -6.76