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sidechains Leu-Tyr, aliphatic-aromatic

From Dataset: SCAI - Representative Amino Acid Side Chain Interactions in Proteins

Dataset reference: K. Berka, R. Laskowski, K. E. Riley, P. Hobza, and J. Vondrasek; J Chem Theory Comput 2009, 5 (4), 982-992

Optimization level: DFT TPSS/TZVP (heavy atoms from crystal structure, truncated at Cα atom, hydrogen optimization only, RI (Resolution)

Tags: Side Chain Atlas,



C   -2.810000000   0.275000000   4.347000000
H   -2.025000000  -0.087000000   3.686000000
C   -4.021000000   0.685000000   3.789000000
C   -4.293000000   0.537000000   2.321000000
C   -5.298000000  -0.599000000   1.985000000
H   -5.459000000  -0.664000000   0.903000000
H   -6.268000000  -0.420000000   2.463000000
H   -4.924000000  -1.565000000   2.340000000
H   -3.355000000   0.344000000   1.794000000
H   -4.688000000   1.479000000   1.918000000
C   -5.048000000   1.120000000   4.625000000
H   -6.003000000   1.432000000   4.211000000
C   -4.823000000   1.202000000   6.001000000
H   -5.608000000   1.551000000   6.671000000
C   -3.602000000   0.774000000   6.535000000
O   -3.448000000   0.789000000   7.903000000
H   -4.268000000   1.123000000   8.300000000
C   -2.563000000   0.323000000   5.722000000
H   -1.624000000  -0.004000000   6.155000000
C   -1.061000000  -2.280000000   0.934000000
H   -0.941000000  -2.993000000   1.755000000
H   -0.869000000  -2.803000000  -0.009000000
H   -2.099000000  -1.933000000   0.930000000
C   -0.039000000  -1.082000000   1.120000000
H   -0.240000000  -0.591000000   2.083000000
H    0.962000000  -1.526000000   1.208000000
C    0.000000000   0.000000000   0.000000000
C   -1.289000000   0.819000000   0.000000000
H   -1.429000000   1.342000000   0.954000000
H   -1.282000000   1.578000000  -0.792000000
H   -2.156000000   0.174000000  -0.171000000
H    0.023000000  -0.551000000  -0.954000000
C    1.339000000   0.851000000   0.000000000
H    2.201000000   0.185000000  -0.105000000
H    1.333000000   1.555000000  -0.838000000
H    1.450000000   1.421000000   0.930000000

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method counterpoise corrected remark value
CCSD(T)/CBS (aug-cc-pVDZ to aug-cc-pVTZ extrapolation at RI-MP2 level, CCSD(T) correction in 6-31G*(0,25,0,15) ba) yes aug-cc-pVDZ to aug-cc-pVTZ extrapolation at RI-MP2 level, CCSD(T) correction in 6-31G*(0,25,0,15) ba -1.72
RI-MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ ( ) yes -1.43
RI-MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ yes -1.66
SCS(MI)-MP2/cc-pVTZ (SCS scaling factors: cPS = 1,75, cAS = 0,17) yes SCS scaling factors: cPS = 1,75, cAS = 0,17 -1.21
DFT-D TPSS/TZVP (counterpoise correction is included in parametrization of empirical dispersion term) no counterpoise correction is included in parametrization of empirical dispersion term -2.07
RI-DFT-D TPSS/TZVP (counterpoise correction is included in parametrization of empirical dispersion term) no counterpoise correction is included in parametrization of empirical dispersion term -1.88
DFT-SAPT PBE0AC/aug-cc-pVDZ (The ionization potentials were calculated at the PBE0|TZVP level, HOMO calculated at aug-cc-pVDZ lev) no The ionization potentials were calculated at the PBE0|TZVP level, HOMO calculated at aug-cc-pVDZ lev -1.34
OPLS-AA/L (Force-field) no Force-field -1.86
AMBER ff03 (Force-field) no Force-field -1.57
DFT-SAPT PBE0AC/aug-cc-pVDZ (first-order electrostatics) no first-order electrostatics -1.12
DFT-SAPT PBE0AC/aug-cc-pVDZ (first-order repulsion) no first-order repulsion 3
DFT-SAPT PBE0AC/aug-cc-pVDZ (second-order induction) no second-order induction -0.09
DFT-SAPT PBE0AC/aug-cc-pVDZ (second-order dispersion) no second-order dispersion -3.7
DFT-SAPT PBE0AC/aug-cc-pVDZ (estimate of higher-order terms) no estimate of higher-order terms -0.22